Man those Apache's are nasty

(1) Hellfire missile costs around $68,000 each. Seems like an awfully expensive way to kill people one at a time. No wonder we're spending $$$Billions a month, that we don't have.

It's bad enough to have to place a value on the human life of a soldier, but what about the cost we have invested in training these guys, and these aircraft? Some of those nutcases are tryin' to kill aircraft, to ya know

I don't think General LeMay was was all that worried about the cost of weapons and equipment when he bombed, firebombed, and atom bombed, the livin' crap out of Japan, do you?

It's called war. Live, die, win, lose.

And some of the billions we are spending is being spent on civilian contractors, who are getting rich off this thing. In WWII, just about everything was bein' done by DRAFTED soldiers, who we didn't have to pay all that much to "hire."

I would love to see Haliburton get shafted if it meant a lot more missles and ammo could be bought.