Just really pissed off!!!!!!!!!!!! PLEASE READ!

Well see......... this isn't the only car on the property, there were like
50 car's and truck's there last year, when we were there, some very old
and have been there for many year's. I've tried calling him all different time's
of day and night and they never answer. I've left message's too, and no return call. You ever heard of people having cell phone's, with no long distance? WTF? I believe that's why most have cell phone's, so they can call
anywhere, anytime! We have not found any other vehicle that we would like up in the area or the like, so understandable, it just make's better sense to haul two vehicle's instead of one, as it does not cost any more for gas to get two. We have been more than nice to him along the way, so no issue there. He did have a heart attack, a couple month's after we were there, and talked to him after that, and he said he doing better, but he has smoked cowboy killer's for year's, and if he did'nt think something might happen, I guess he was wrong. I don't have a problem with people that do smoke, but you should understand the consequenses.As far as the guy that had the heart attack, that's his personal problem, and not mine. And BTW he has never offered to refund our money either, if he did, he is welcome to do what he want's with the car!! My father died from smoking, at age 58, and for any one that new him, he was an exceptional car builder.
You are a freakin' Drama Queen. You dragged out a simple little transaction for a year. Who cares if the guy smokes. You're talking about stuff that has nothing to do with anything. Not trying to be mean but C'mon already! What is this a Soap Opera????