Wild Times - They Live Among Us

I'm not sure what you thought you might see with this thread title, but I'm pretty sure what you'll find isn't what you thought.
We live in a well-established 30+ year old neighborhood in north Orange County, SoCal. It hasn't been any sort of "wild" around here for years.
But about 3:00AM Sunday morning I'm awakened by the sound of our dogs rushing out our bedroom sliding glass door (we leave the screen open enough for the dogs to go outside should they need to during the night) and then both my wife and I are jolted fully awake by the sound of loud growling and hissing that is definitely not coming from either our Rhodesian Ridgeback or our Siberian Husky. Then some barking from the Ridgeback - and if you know Ridgebacks, you know they very rarely bark.
Both of us jump out of bed, rush over to the open door and hit the outside light switch. There on the other side of the pool is a big ol' mama raccoon and she is not happy with either of our dogs. Our Ridgeback was holding back a bit but our Husky just rushed right in and I'm surprised neighbor back yard lights didn't all go on due to the loud ruckus and commotion.
We finally got the dogs back in the house and mama 'coon still wasn't happy. What we hadn't seen earlier was that she had a baby with her that had somehow fallen into the pool and was paddling over to the side. She got the baby out and both went over the wall and into one of our neighbors trees. We checked our Husky from head to tail and didn't find any sign she'd been bitten - I don't think you can penetrate that thick fur anyway.
Luckily we didn't have another late night/early morning visit last night.
Over the years we've had our share of visits from opossums and the rare sight of a coyote now and then, but this is the first raccoon I've seen in over 30 years in our home. We also have occassional visits from ducks stopping for a brief rest in the pool. It's funny when they hit the water because they don't have much room to maneuver around neighbor's backyard trees on their approach to the pool - it's sort of a controlled crash when they land. Needless to say the dogs think they have new 'swim toys' but neither of them will go in the water after the ducks.
Just the "wilds" of Orange County - who needs to go to the Jungle Cruise at Disneyland - LOL