MUST READ THREAD...Wow,...Never really saw It like this, but,...Watch this Clip..

The truth hurts. Too many people can't handle being hurt so they stick there head in the damn sand and pretend not to see it. Cuz if you don't see it it doesn't exist right! I'm not that old but my parents raised me to take care of my damn self and not depend on someone else to handle my business. I have new hires show up and within a few days want a raise and a company truck to take home. They think that they should be paid according to the lifestyle they want to live, not living within their means.

I'm hip, I worked my *** off, proved my worth, stayed late when asked,waited 6 months, then asked for a raise, turned down the company truck (cause if I'm drivin your truck then I'm on your payroll),...but you know what, when I asked for a couple of hours here and there to take care of my sick wife, my boss was happy to oblige.