Wild Times - They Live Among Us

I'm not sure what you thought you might see with this thread title, but I'm pretty sure what you'll find isn't what you thought.
We live in a well-established 30+ year old neighborhood in north Orange County, SoCal. It hasn't been any sort of "wild" around here for years.
But about 3:00AM Sunday morning I'm awakened by the sound of our dogs rushing out our bedroom sliding glass door (we leave the screen open enough for the dogs to go outside should they need to during the night) and then both my wife and I are jolted fully awake by the sound of loud growling and hissing that is definitely not coming from either our Rhodesian Ridgeback or our Siberian Husky.

Yeah, we had similar excitement on occasion when we lived in North O.C. (City of Orange). Possums in the garage caused a big stink. Drove them down the 91 a ways..... Ducks in the pool - once maybe. Mostly it was they coyotes. They would roam on the Santa Ana river bottom, then come into the neighborhoods. I was only a few blocks off Glassell and the 91, so we got hit quite a bit. Lost a cat........

All that stuff was no big deal though. Really miss the place.