Right hand thread/left hand thread 68 charger????, pressed on drums?????help!!!!!!

@ Oklacarcollecto, i know, thats why i told him to stop(my first post), since we had already murdered one stud. I didnt want to mess up any more, and told him to look it up, but he did not listen. I also mentioned ( i had to find that out the hard way) lol . @ 73abodee, yeah thats pretty much what i did, i held on the lugnut with some vicegrips, so that i could have both hands on the drill. I used 5 drill bits though. Went good and was very easy. @ ramenth i didnt think it was dumb, my brother-in-law did, i told him some cars were like that for awhile. We're replacing the drums, brakes, fuel tank, and soon we will be working on the engine. So everything will be new, and easier the next time. Thanks for all the help, guys, i just mostly wanted some info, and some help.