CAR HUNT! or BOF & me car shopping!

[ame=""]Car Sales - YouTube[/ame]

Ok now we add a little T5 Cashmere Irid.
This is 1st coat of T5 before it is to be wet sanded. It will be wet sanded by 9Am and shot with 2nd coat by 11AM. That's when it gets too hot to spray paint. It will dry instantly and turn to orange peel big time!

I think I went overboard on adding the gold micro sequins to the T5 though. It kinda looks like Bill Dance or Hank parker would be sitting in it fishing! LOL
2nd coat should bring a more "burnt" look to the T5 Sienna/Cashmere and drop it a couple shades darker. Too many sparkels?...I might not add any gold flakes this time to bury the ones on there already and give them an orange tint. Well maybe add just a couple more..LOL

Lex was still wearing his outfit today from my birthday party! If ya look real close, I think I still see some pink finger nail polish on the paw on right in pic. His Mom paints his white nails sometimes.:D

[ame=""]National Lampoons Vacation - Clark drives the Family Truckster off the closed road - YouTube[/ame]

But Daddy says I'm the best at it! LMAO!
[ame=""]National Lampoon's Vacation Tribute - YouTube[/ame]

Well officer, Whatever I've done I'm sure I can explain...
[ame=""]National Lampoon-Missing Dog - YouTube[/ame]