Cops love Mopars.

not a mopar story but 5 years ago my wife went into labor and I had a t-top camaro at the time and we hopped in and I burned rubber out of my drive way and right past a cop. he yelled SLOW DOWN.....I yelled back SHES IN LABOR!.

about a mile up the road I see lights flashing in the rear view......I pull over and he comes walking up with his chest puffed out and a mean look on his face and says " Wjat did you say to me back there?" (he thought i yelled an insult).......and I point to my wife and say " I SAID she is in labor!".

He says OH.......FOLLOW ME. And he hops in his car and does a burn out,I do a burn out, and he pulls up to a busy main road and flips his lights on and pulls sideways into traffic and blocks the cars from coming through....nods his head and waves me on so we could get to the hospital.

thats a cool story I wont forget lol.

and another time I had JUST got my mustang wasnt out of paint for but maybe 3 hours. Im cruising around and seen a cop pull up behind me and he pulls me over and said I was doing 4 mph over. hands me the ticket and says " oh , nice car by the way,slaps my quarter panel with the palm of his hand and walks back to his car".

oh boy was I po'ed lol.

theres a couple other stories too but those are the most memorable and I don't want to bore you guys.