Anybody running 17" Cobra Bullit rims on a Duster

Thats not bad at all. Your giving me hope, thank you.

Right now mine is sitting at 24 to the fender lip, 12 1/4" from the frame to the ground. But I need to adjust the coil overs and bring the ride height up to about 25".

Working on trying to find a place that can machine out the hub area on the FR500. If all else fails i'll have to do it the shade tree way and take a dremel to it.

If you end up having to machine the wheels, go ahead and get them opened up to the size needed to fit generic hub rings. I *think* this is like 73mm, but you should verify. If you go up to that size beyond the OEM Mopar size, you can sell the wheels in the future as something that will still fit a Phord with the righ size hub ring. Or a Mitsubishi, or a Toyota, or...

I had a machine shop open my wheels up to Mopar size, and I wish I would have done it "right" when I had the chance. Lack of forethought on my part.

Just my 2cents...
