318 pulley alignment

The alternator is easy to align w/ spacers, so don't get hung up on it. The p.s. pump is hardest to move and may need a different pulley to align. rehrenberg sells spacer shims for the water pump pulley on ebay.

You never answered the question of what engine and accessories you have. There are multiple pulleys, even for the same year, depending on AC, p.s., etc. You have the 70+ alum water pump, as I do.

If your crank damper is the same thickness as my 65 273, you might do what I did, which is run the water pump (w/ short alum pulley) and p.s. pump (Federal) together on the outer crank groove and the alternator (2 grooves) alone on the middle groove. I have a 3rd inner groove left for AC. It looks like your crank grooves would align w/ my 2 outer grooves.