What caused this damage

This company buildt it.



ok, not the company i thought of, i never heard anything bad about that company.

im not an expert in any way,but the wear on those bearings looks strange to me.

first its odd with wear in the top halfs of the mainbearings like that,and i cant realy wrap my head around what makes the bearing look like the one in the 4th pic since the wear almost dissapears close to the partingline.

the bearing in the 5th pic looks like the crank must have been bending since it looks worn out towards the edges.

the rod bearing looks very beat up to me, could there have been some detonation killing the rods and at the same time flexing the crank?

once again not an expert,its just what i could piece togheter from the visual i realy hope someone with more knowledge will jump in on this and give a better answer.