318 with 360-587 1.88 heads

Talked to 2 machine shops and one wouldn't do it. Both said get pistons. The other said he would do it at a price of like $180-220 for the heads and the intake would be extra. But he said he doesn't recommend taking that much off the heads. I don't have alot of machine shops around here especailly that do mopar stuff. At that price maybe pistons are the call. What are some good pistons that will get me where I need to be? 9-1 or more?

Like every build things start spiralling into be not being a cheap build. I could just run it as is I guess.

That was my point. Milling is expensive when you can't pay bills and I've been there. I'm renovating my house so I havent even insured my '65 this year. Moeny's going to bigger priorities.
So first you want to whack some off the heads. Then there's the intake side milling. Then if you really want to get anything near a performance static by milling the head gasket surface there's the intake itself that needs to get milled because you can't mill the intake flange of the head farther than the valve cover bolt holes. Aftert that there's buying pushrods because your lifters are bottoming now.
The right way is to swap pistons. But we're talking about an obvious place-holder 318. Not need to spend anything more than gaskets and a cheap *** cam and go have fun droping the clutch.