WTF!!! $3.45 gallon for low test?!

United States

Price per gallon of premium gasoline: $4.19
Most expensive gas ranking: #44
Pain at the pump ranking: #50

As summer travel season approaches, the U.S. has little to complain about relative to many other nations. The price per gallon is among the world's lowest, and Americans' high average income insulates them compared with poorer countries. Only six nations hurt less at the pump than Americans do -- three of them are members of the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC).

The U.S. paid about $4.2 billion in 2010 to subsidize oil production and consumption. Gasoline taxes account for just 11 percent of the retail price of the fuel, compared with 60 percent in Britain.

The cost of a barrel of crude, at around $100 a barrel, may seem painful but is less than half the $213 cost of a barrel in January 1981 during Iranian shipment disruptions, adjusted for real growth in disposable income. The average daily income in the U.S. is $134, and daily wages needed to buy a gallon of gas is 3.1 percent.



WHAT...who earns $134 a day...nobody I know of, least not anymore