Installing headliner '71 dart swinger

I was going to have mine installed by a pro. Two quotes for $200 and a few friends telling me to try it convinced me.

It's not quite as nice as if a pro had done it but for a daily driver, the job looks great.

Would I do it again? Ask a woman 5 minutes after childbirth if she wants to have another the time I swore I would never do it again. It's not hard to install it at all. It is hard to install it and have it look really really nice unless you know all the tips and tricks a pro uses. The front section is easy- the rear window and the sail panels is not. As time goes on I might consider doing another...maybe

I can't even imagine doing it with the front and rear glass in place. Holy Cats that would make it so much more difficult!

If you do decide to do it, There's a nice step by step with photos. I bought two dozen clamps at Harbor Freight which really helped.

Take lots of photos of the roof before you begin and measure where holes are for mounting hardware so you can locate them easier.

See this link: