72 duster Build progress

I still cant get my camera to capture the TRUE plum crazy purple.....not even in daylight.....but it looks a brighter and richer in person (those who have plum crazy purple cars may have the same problem with the color not coming out right in pictures?)

anyways....here is a few pictures of the engine bay in the day light....Keep in mind the paint has not been wet sanded or buffed....its that glossy straight from the spray gun.

I have done a bit more work to it but I need to take pictures of it....the kframe is all fresh black aswell as the steering column......shock mount rubbers were cleaned and the retaining plates I wet sanded and polished and I then put gloss black rubber caps on the threads to spiff it up a bit.....I also installed nice shiny new wire loom fire wall clips too.

I will be doing alot more over the next few days to it.

also I started on refurbishing my firewall forward wire harness.....I took pictures of the before but I am only about half way done with it but I will take pictures when it is done.

stay tuned!

These pictures are the ones that made me want the exact color and paint you have.