Found a neat C body

I offered $1000 as it sits (he isn't sure if engine runs, or if it does, how well, and fuel system needs going through, as well as brakes and other things. Oh, and there are no keys. He turned down my offer, saying that he has a guy who will pay that much just for the drivetrain for his Duster. He said he'll just scrap the car after he sells the engine. Noooo.. its way too clean to just scrap.
Anyways, what would you guys pay? Cool car which I'd like to see saved.

To me $600 - 850. is on point but if your willing to bump up to $1200. you may will sway him. You could tell him your saving him time removing the engine and hauling it to the scrap yard... Up in Cananda I'm sure its tought o find a low mileage '60's-'70's Mopar with liitle rust/body issues. This is where my belief that restorable cars with little bodywork in certain areas of the country are worth a little bit more then those in dry / arid areas like California, Arizona, etc... because they are harder to find. My .02