
Keep in mind that even though stations advertise it as E-85 it's actual Ethanol content may be less. Most E-85 carb shops sell testers real cheap that you need to use to monitor what your getting. A buddy of mine runs it in his 11.8:1 418 and it works real good with the high compression but he said the station near him has what they call E-85 but it consistanly checks out to only be 70% Ethanol. Consistancy is great so your not always changing jets to compromise but you need to know what your dealing with before you start tuning.

EDIT: My comment on the ethanol content at my buddies local station holds true any time of the year, not just winter. We know because he has tested it all year around and every time he tests it it's right close to E-70, only varying a couple percent. That may not be the case where your at but it's something you should check, not just take it for granted.