Musings: Restoration = Money loss! (ALWAYS)

I am in this hobby because I love history and old cars, Driving them, the beauty and styling, the sound of the engines, the simplicity. The engineering. The periods and times they represent...

They are considered antiques and everything that applies to any type of antique also applies to them. Condition, rarity, beauty, functionality and public demand in the market place etc.... If you buy a car thinking of the valuable traits of antiques, you might make some money, but it is still a gamble... At least we can drive our antiques...

By restoring and driving these cars, we are keeping a part of history alive.

On a personal level, I bought a 74 Dart Sport recently and am in the process of restoring it. I remember 1974 very well, it was a very happy time for me and my family. Many of the dearest members of my family were still around in those days, people I still mourn losing all these years later... This car is a touchstone to my own past and represents that era of time...