Show your slant 6 a body!

Well, here she is. Has a LONG way to go, but everytime I see her I think of what she will be like in the future. Soo much potential. First things first though, she desperately needs a power washing everywhere and to have all of the potentially terrifying (don't laugh) spiders removed that have lived there the last 28 or so years that shes been off the road.

Wow; what a GREAT-LOOKING CAR!!!:blob:

I think I'm in love... LOL!

Don't you ever even THINK about sellling that one; it's irreplaceable!!!

Talk about al the RIGHT STUFF... jeesh!

You must be livin' right... Buy a lottery ticket QUICK!!!

Although, you may have used up all your good luck on this '63, already...

Yes, potential is the key word here; take your time and do it right and you'll have great project car that will be fast and reliable. And, eye candy to boot!

It really IS a "FIND"!!!

Is it a 225 or a 170?

To find out, just look at the length of the straight up-and-down bypass hose (about an inch in diameter) at the very front of the engine on top, going from the head into the water pump (I think.)
If it's only about an inch long, it's a 170. If it's about three inches long (ballpark figures) it's a 225.

Let me know...:happy1: