360 magnum

My swap is probably a little more involved than the typical swap. I removed the entire wiring harness as well as everything attached to it from the 1994 Van and transplanted it into the dart, to include wiper switch, ignition switch, fan controls, fuel pump circuit, etc.
The car is together minus the glass and interior, and altho I have done little more than move it around, it is all together and roadworthy. I have not had it on the streets. There is about 347 miles of harness to try and hide and make look good behind the dash, and that has held me up a little, mainly due to time.
The engine bolted in once I swapped with an oil pan and pickup from the LA 360 that came out. The engine and accessories are all complete as they were in the van. I did modify the trans cross member which required about $10.00 in metal and if you have a welder, was quite easy. I had a local machine shop modify a driveshaft for $75.00.
Since the doner van was free, I have next to nothing in the entire thing. I will be happy to help any way i can. Obviously a ton more details but just wanted to offer a short overview.

Attached is a picture of the factory gas tank. I cut out the threaded collar from the plastic tank on the doner car as well as a hole in the dart tank and bonded/screwed the collar to the tank, thus allowing me to use the fuel pump from the van as well.

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