69 gts restoration

The car is finally registered!!!!!!:burnout:

After a very long wait at the MA RMV I finally have a sticker in hand.. I went with a YOM (year of Manufacture) plate rather than regular registration. We will see how that works out because I plan on driving the crap out of this thing..

Now the only things left to do is replace the wiper motor (that is in hand) wire the Fender mount blinkers (wires on the way), Hook up the fuel line to the tank and chase a couple of electrical problems mainly cleaning contacts. Then trailer it to the alignment shop and drive it home. First car show should be Sept 8th at the Orange Drag race reunion.. Anyone else thinking about going to this? It is at the Fitchburg MA airport only cars pre 74 allowed and last year was an incredible show out in Orange MA they actually had to start turning people and cars away for lack of room. They estimate about 10,000 or more people showed up. Darn good showing for an off the beaten path town. The move was due to of all things a solar farm...

Either way as things go shouldn't be long before driving..:toothy8: