HELP!!! Immediate Help Needed! Rear windshield clips

I have a glass guy coming tomorrow to put the front and rear windshields in my 73 dart swinger. I ordered the new gaskets and the new trim clips from Dante's and I'm re-using the old glass which has been cleaned and is ready to go in.

This is my issue:

The trim clips for the rear windshield came with screws for each clip to be secured in the channel. However, my rear windshield has rivets along the top and bottom where there would normally be holes for the screws to secure the trim clips (the sides of the windshield has holes, so those clips are fine). Now, I can persuade the clips onto the rivets fairly easily without bending the clips at all, but the clips then hang pretty loose on the rivet, though definitely in the right place. Should I pop them all onto the rivets and leave them hanging loose? My theory is that the rubber gasket will hold them in place and once the trim is popped on it will be secure.

Please offer any thoughts/advice. I will try to upload a picture but I believe the description above should be enough.

Thank you again FABO!!!!
