318 mystery problem, somewhat solved!
Ok so I got out there, looked back through all the connections and found one that is the ground for dist. that's hooked up to the negative for the power of the 6A that was sketchy, got it solid and tested it and nothing so I'm good now I think, didn't fry anything as far as I can tell but I still have to go back and fix that one wire properly.
It's now idling at 800 RPM at 14:1 a/f pretty nicely, still some eratic rpm drops (only like 10 or so) in there but there short and I'm pretty sure a few are normal. I'm going to let it run at 14:1 for a day or so and let it learn to run like that before I make any more changes on the idle a/f as if I've figured out if you change it too much quickly it'll go crazy.
I'm going to play with the cruise a/f and timing later today to see how that goes, hopefully well.