The Brick, 1972 Dodge Dart Custom

Low Dollar Dash pad refurbishment

A lot of us have cracked, mangled dash pads, and for some of us, $200 + is a bit much to spend, since we are trying to stay on budget. The choices are to scour the interwebs for a deal, find one in a boneyard, or pay out the nose for a new one.

Here is another option:

Take the dash pad and strip all the vinyl and padding off of it. I used a utility knife to cut the vinyl, and then a putty knife to scrape away the padding. Sand off the last of the glue and gunk until you have bare metal. Get some Automotive Grade Carpet (rolls from Oreilly are $10), and some 3M spray adhesive (again, $10 at Oreilly) and you have the materials that you need.

I've hit the end of the line tonight - I have to hit the dash pad frame with a sander tomorrow morning and then I can go ahead and recover it.

Will post pics tomorrow of the completed dash pad, and the reassembled dash.