The Brick, 1972 Dodge Dart Custom

Well, I slept in this morning......actually refused to get out of bed, so by the time I was up it was too damned hot to do anything.

I did grab some pics of the dash pad covering.

This is after hitting the frame with some 80 grit sandpaper on my palm sander. I then cut 13 inches off of my roll of automotive carpet. I laid the carpet out and set the frame on the carpet, with the bottom edge of the front of the frame about 2 inches from the edge of the carpet. I sprayed the top and front of the frame with 3M adhesive, and pushed it down flat onto the frame. I then cut "V" shapes into the carpet where the mounting bolts are. Sprayed the carpet and frame on the front side with the adhesive, and folded it up and over the lip of the frame. I was sure to keep the carpet tight. once I had the entire front edge pulled up, I sprayed the inside of the frame with the adhesive and folded the carpet over. It is important to keep at least 2 inches of that carpet to adhere to the frame on the inside. Spring clamps help hold it in place - I used old school clothesline pins. Once the front side were dry (about 15 minutes in the AZ heat) I repeated the process on the top back of the frame. Cut the same "V" shapes, sprayed with adhesive, and pulled it tight to the metal. Clipped that in place and walked away to guzzle Gatorade - I was drenched in

The downward bends are a real ***** and you have to cut slices into the carpet at the bends, laying them down on top of each other to keep the carpet smooth. I then repeated the above steps on the front and rear of the down "legs"

Here is the finished product: