Emblem Question...

I have a question. I'm one that I like to make what I have reflect what it truly is. Let me explain, my car is a 318, Gold Duster. When I bought the car the person who had it put a 340 decal on the rear quarter, and I might add they both were backwards because they were on the wrong sides. I asked him why, and of course I got the answer your already thinking, he said "cause I like it".. Just like I've seen the slant sixes with 340 & 360 decals on them along with the hood emblems of 340 or 360 Four Barrel,then you open the hood and there it is a slant six or a 318, so now you get my idea. I'm not a true purist, just like to reflect for myself what I have and not overstate the facts....(too much ..)
So my question is.......are there any metal emblems that say "318 Four Barrel", that can be mounted to say.... my hood scoop?. There are plenty of 340, 360, 383, and 440 emblems. I was just curious if anyone makes some or if there were truly ones on cars.. I know 318's were not the High Performance motors compared to the 340's and 360's, but mine does have a little "zing" to it and a pretty healthy sound. I'm sure a 340 could hand me my lunch, and that's okay cause this little engine is built for cruizing and eybrow raising... Now offense to all who choose to put whatever on your car, I'm just being me.. And oh by the way it does say 318 on the rear quarter now and correctly placed on the right fenders... I took off the 340...

19 Again..