69 gts restoration

Well for those who are still following the thread. The first startup in the car happend today. It took a little time to get the fuel to the carb but eventually it happend. The engine started fine and ran pretty well for not being warmed up and no choke. As it got heat in the motor it ran great.. there was only one problem that I never expected. The damn heater core is leaking got antifreeze in the car and on the carpet not a lot just enough to piss you off if you know what I mean. If the core was the original core I would expect something like this but the darn thing is brand new all be it a year old but brand new never had fluid in it or pressure until today.. So this will set me back until I can get a heater core.. For the mean time until I get it I am going to bypass it so that I can get it alligned and possibly go to the drag race reunion on Sat I will have to see how I feel about the whole thing then. I will update when I get the heater box out not that I am looking forward to that. With the dash out it is a piece of cake with it in not so much and now that the core has fluid in it I need to be really careful to not get any more in the car.:banghead:

Well you know what they say "The last mile is always the longest."