Wanted! 225 slant six for a dart

i am really ....really surprised that you didnt find one real close to you ......which brings up the question: where did all the tens of thousands slantys go? LOL ........im still quite a ways from you, but i think the closest so far........Im in south eastern Colorado....i have a runner in a 69 dart that you can hear run now.....its coming out anyway in the next couple weekends ...bcoz im doing a BB swap on the car.......there is no exhaust on it now so its kinda loud but it will start and drive right now.

even after its out of the car ...it will be stored indoors ...bcoz there is no way im going to let it spoil from from the weather.

i also have some other non-running long blocks and short blocks ...all ran when pulled but i since dis-assembled them for various reasons ....mainly to get them into storage ....bcoz without the head i can move the block around ...with the head and accesories they get a bit too heavy for me to move them around so easy.