anyone else a slave to the big man?

Oh it could be worse.
You could be self employed like me and do work stuff darn near every waking moment.
It's after 11pm and I just finished my stuff for today.
I took time off to take a drive in the Dart with the wife today,,,,,,20 min to the gas station and back to be ready for the morning appointments.:-k

Boy do I hear that!! My problem is that I just don't know when to quit or how to relax anymore. If I'm not doing something productive 24/7 then I feel guilty.

I'm with you Trailbeast--Self-employed -But remember we have our own business so we are Rich --Right. LOL

LMAO Steve! You're soooooooooo right. [cough cough BS BS BS]

Document it next time, and get a lawyer on him. I'm pretty sure there're confidential ways to do this.

Unless Hemi has a written employment contract (most people don't) with specified terms and conditions outlining working hours, the employment is considered to be "at will." That means that he or his employer can terminate the employment at any time for any reason, or for no reason at all. Unfortunately most labor laws are written to provide more protection for the employers than the people who work for them.