anyone else a slave to the big man?

Holidays used to be big $$ at the PO, if you wanted it. Had Sunday Monday off, Saturday was my Holiday if the Holiday was a Monday. Holiday pay + paid for being there and even though there was no mail on Monday I got to work. For the last 4 years I was there I managed to make no less than triple my base pay. One of those years it was over 4.25x's my base salary. Take management out of the picture and I was high earner in the plant for 3 years. Course I had no life, 75-80 hours a week. Miss the income but sure as hell do not miss what it took to make it. Toward the end of my time there I had a disciplinary matter that management held a lottery to see who would be the one to sit down with me. My friend Kelly lost out, but when we sat down in the conference room I made her extremely uncomfortable and she bailed.