A-Bodies...Big Motors / New Hemi Duster - FINAL ASSEMBLY

Good to know. I looked up pics of your hemi duster(orangish-red one) and while not a road race car, i'm sure you've thrashed the hell out of that monsterous street car around town.(who could resist?). Which would put the suspension to the test in a variety of ways

So gives me a bit of confidence in how the suspension would likely handle being tossed around.

So maybe 1st of the yr the credit card fairy will bring me a HDK K-member and then i'll just pair it with one of those fender bracing kits for good measure.(not that it may be necessary, just my own piece of mind given that it may see a road course day or two)

In my humble opinion I don't think you can go wrong. I drove that car everywhere. the new owner drove it to Detroit and then to St Louis from Pittsburgh. I'm a big fan of the setup.