A-Body Level II Rear Suspension

In theory its a good idea, becuase its sprung weight. However, in practice, it complicated things and makes the critical third link mounting uncessarily difficult. Besides, the independent articulation of the suspension relies on the hiem joints of the third link twisting. Sketchy at best.

Twisting in the upper third link? I'm not seeing it Gmachine... If you use two rod ends, you effectively double articulation and if you don't run out of axial rotation (about the upper link) then zero friction, no twisting. I would be more concerned about the tiny length and how anti-squat and tire loading works. Or perhaps one of those links in the upper is a bushing? Hard to tell from pic? GMachine, do you know of a good and affordable software for evaluating these 3 links? Bill Shopes webpage is back up here: http://www.shopeshop.org/contentsDrag.htm

HOWEVER, that tells me how to arrive at the optimum solution. I want to go at it in reverse. That is, here is my design, given packaging consideration, now what do I end up with, as far as anti-squat, tire loading, etc....
