1967 Plymouth Barracuda Fastback

I appreciate the congratulations, but no house for us yet. We had offers in on two properties, both of which were snatched out from under us at the last minute by buyers with deeper pockets. The sale of the car would definitely expedite the whole process, but I've decided to do everything in my power to make it happen without doing something I'll regret. I'm gonna keep my nose to the grindstone and save some more, and hopefully come out on the other side in a better position. After all, what's the point of having your dream garage with nothing to put in it?

Well, just food for thought......no one likes to lose money on their project car that they've invested tons of $$ and sweat energy into, but prices have dropped on many things. So if you'd decide to bite the bullet and take one of the lower offers on your car, buy a house while we're in this perfect storm of low interest rates and low prices (which are gaining 10% a year in some areas) you'll feel pretty smart and won't be dwelling on the $3000 you lost out on when you sold your car. That $3000 will be a drop in the bucket compared to what you'll be gaining on your new house in an appreciating housing market. It's what I did. You've already witnessed a bit of a bidding frenzy which proves this.......

I'm sure you can fill that new garage with something later that you'll go crazy over.......just saying.