360 pros & cons vs 318

The 360 makes a noticeable and welcomed amount of torque over the shorter stroke engines. It is the choice of most current builders for this reason as well as being a lot cheaper.

A long stroke engine can get a car moving faster, since it is torque that gets a car moving. More the merry. Otherwise, you rely on RPM to get you moving. (AKA-HP)

The long stroke engine will also make peak power in less RPM.

The 413;

Swapping in a big block of this size is IMO, not really worth it unless your going to exploite it fully. Otherwise, you can stroke a 360 to 400+ cubes with less hassle but probably not cheaper overall vs. a big block swap. The hassle
Comes in with the need of a big block trans, possible driveshaft shortening, suspension and brake upgrades. This will cost some good coin as well, so think, price and think again.

If it was a 440 or a stroked 400, then I'd go for it. A regular B 400 or a 413 should be carefully considered since your in a catch 22 area.