energy drink reviews

I have consumed a wheel barrow or two of that green monster.
I like it cause you can get fired up within 10 - 15 minutes of waking up.
Where usually I drag butt for an hour waiting for coffee to kick in and my brain to drop out of neutral and catch a gear.
I just basically hate coffee after drinking it for years so that is out.
Now I have a more cost effective process as of 2 days ago. The cans of Monster were becoming a notifiable expense at 4 dollars a day.
Plus all that consumption is probably not super good for my duodenum or bone marrow or something. What ever vital organs that radiation affects, green monster is sure to do the same..
That's why it is so good. Its got a little bit of radioactive waste in every can. Is that the kind of marketing kids are eating up now 'adays? Works for me sir!