72 duster Build progress
bit of a set back.....yesterday i got the spoiler and a few other parts all sanded down. prepped them. sprayed them and i wasnt happy with how the paint came out. Had lots of solvent pop in it....the paints been sitting around for awhile to....it was left overs from some other parts I painted on the duster awhile back. So Its possible the shelf life of it went out the window.
So today I went and picked up a few more supplies and some more paint. Now I have to sand what i already painted back down and do it again.
I hate doing things more than once......seems like thats happened alot of this build. the issues I ran into in the body work/primer face where I had to do a bunch of work over. changing out carburetors multiple times, pulling my interior out and installing it multiple times,now this....aswell as some other stuff I am sure.
oh well I guess. Ill get it taken care of, but I still don't enjoy doing jobs more than once lol. I like doing it once and getting it right the first time.
ANYWAYS......a side from that little set back, I should be back on track with it tomorrow. So stay tuned......pictures to follow shortly