72 duster Build progress
Since you went out and actually got new paint, could there be something else going on with the spoiler? Its just happening to it right? That seems so odd. At any rate, the Duster is turning out awesome!! You should be beyond proud my friend. And I understand your frustrations with how long it takes, or the feeling that your never going to get to enjoy the car... however the time will come when you will. And when that time comes your gonna have one of the sweetest Dusters around to enjoy. I think one thing that works against you is being such a perfectionist... Wanting things to be as good as you can get them, and have things be right is admirable... nothing wrong with that at all... but just be careful not to let it control the build so much as to start destroying any of the joy that goes with it... In the end its still just a car (thats what I started telling myself about the buggy) Selling it or trading it would solve nothing.. trading it will just land you in another project, and you will do the same thing LOL .. just keep plugging away and get her done.. by the time spring rolls around there wont be anything left and you will be cruising with your family... and hell raising when you take her out solo... lol.. chin up my friend