Suggestions for muscle car sound muffler without drone
I couldn't really record the drone well enough to show the ear rattling sound of it. But the frequency/db graphs really shows it. Here's the graphs of the three mufflers. I also tried to attach a link to the sound files since I didn't see how to upload them to the board. Seems to get you there ok.!Arc6lHkCbTR02K4&Bpub=SDX.SkyDrive&Bsrc=Share
The first image is the Dynomax Super Turbo, second image is the Dynmax VT and the last on is the Magnaflow. The drone is the big spike. The drone sounds significantly lower with the VT's. Still there but a lot lower and not ear rattling. Probably close to what it was with the stock mufflers but these have much better flow. Looking at the graphs it's ~12-14db lower.
After driving the car some more with the new mufflers it's a decent solution. The level of the drone is a fraction of what it was so it's not bad now. I choose this as an easier solution to the drone but I think the resonator tubes would have probably kill the drone but they are not as easy as swaping mufflers.