Driving American

I've had 3 years to plan the Swingers build. It's pretty much set haha. I know I'm gonna be hangin onto the Mazda for the time bein because its reliable it just kills me not bein able to take the dart out from time to time.

As for why the USMC: My grandfather in my fathers side was a Lieutenant Colonel. He was in WWII, Korea and 3 tours in Vietnam. He passed away in 72 or 73 tho and I never got to meet him. But it's always been an inspiration. I always knew if I decided in the military it's have to be USMC. I respect anyone in any branch but the USMC just feels right.

I'm goin in to be (hopefully) a Motor Transport Mechanic. That way I can learn more about how automotive things work and then plan to use my Gi bill to go to UTI before Startin a career as a mechanic, hopefully workin with older cars like mine!