Stan, it's amazing what you have done over the past 3 years. You have done an outstanding job, the car looks awsome. Hope you can find all your parts in short time to get it back on the road.
Thanks Jeff, it's hard to believe that it has been three years so far. But I guess I did miss close to a year working on it while I was going through chemo. I know all the parts are here and I still have a lot of the stuff from the 72 that I parted out.
We decided to repaint the engine bay now. The rest of the the car looks so nice that I want the bay to looks as good too.
Then it will be on to rewiring the old girl.
I'm still up in the air as to what to do with the cardboard head liner. I've thought about getting some thin black vinyl from a fabric store and gluing in on it. Or maybe just painting it black.
I might have to start a thread on that and see what others have done with theirs.