Watch out for Clipped cars out of Texas

Clipping a car is cutting 2 cars in half and welding them together to make one.

Yes, everything is wrong with that.

Correctly repairing a wreck is not clipping. Some of you are confusing, using used parts, even structural parts, to make a large repair, with clipping. They are not the same.

If you have used a large section of another car in a repair, drilling spot welds, re-welding, and assembling the car as the factory did, that is a repair.

Clipping disregards correct repair procedures.

That is what I am referring to as the correct way to clip a car, take the pillars apart and weld each layer in and out then weld the outer skin back on, deconstruct the rocker panels, weld all the layers together, overlapping when possible then weld outer skin on, take floor apart at a seam and weld it back just as the factory did. If you follow those steps your "clip" is just as good as any other car out there. Its the people who cut the pillars and rockers and just but weld them, and whack across the floor willy nilly and but weld it, that are the ones that have ruined this repair for those of us that do it correctly, I have seen cars that we have done come back after being in another accident and showing no sign what so ever of any stress on our repaired area. Also I personally bought a car that we "clipped" 4 years and 150,000 miles later when our customer traded it in, and I drove it on my mail route for 2 years and 37,000 more miles, the quarter panels were rusting off it when I sent it to the junk yard but the areas the we repaired we just as good as the day we did it.