Does fuse amperage required change with voltage

My question is this does a circuit require a larger fuse at 12v than it would at 14v. I am doing planning for a complete underhood rewire and figured I would asked. What I mean is if your headlamps draw 22 amps at 12.7v would they draw less amps at 14.2? And if this is how it does work what voltage do you use for testing current draw. I am assuming running fast idle with all loads off(other than tested load), but I would hate to find myself under fused at a low battery condition like cold start in winter. So this is mainly a fuse selection question. How much extra amperage do you allow when choosing fuse rating. 22 amp load plus 10% would be a 25 amp fuse be sufficient.

None of the posted numbers are the result of any test they are numbers I made up for the question.