Engine Cutting Out! What to check?

This may be off topic a bit but I did have an alternator take a chitt inside the unit after some really hard runs with my 410 4 spd. Symptoms of a bad low RPM miss that I could not find. I was under the hood revving the car and the alternator had a dead short in it when I revved it up. Sparks and chitt flying everywhere just over 2500 RPM. Crazy *** miss too. Went to napa and got a new one on warranty. Fixed the ignition problem.

I did just change out the alternator, but it could be a bad unit though. You never know. I think I'm going to run it tonight in the garage with the doors shut and lights out to see if I can see any sparks anywhere. Could be alternator, bad ground somewhere on the ECU maybe? I did read some problems people on here were having with that. I ended up ordering a Pertronix FlameThrower III Billet distributor as shown below. Essentially same as an MSD unit without the external box from what I have read. This unit requires a full 12V so I do know that I need to bypass the ballast resistor at least, but I am unsure yet as to what other electronic parts I will need to remove or modify to make it work. I absolutely hate messing with anything to do with electronics when I don't know all of the components and their functions. So any help in that area will help too :).
