What was your worst restaurant experience?

That story was about a restaurant in Kentucky...roadkill is a staple on any menu there. Right?
Just kidding, LOL. No need for any FABO Kentuckians to jump all over me about this.

Sorry, don't have any bad restaurant stories but do have one about the mess haul of my basic training group at Ft. Polk, Louisiana, back in the very early '70s. And it isn't even about 'roadkill' - even in Louisiana.
Back then during Army basic training, everyone pulled KP duty at least twice. I'm sure many of you have seen the old cartoons about KP being about peeling potatos. This was a state-of-the-art mess hall back then because it had an automatic potato peeling machine. You'd dump in a bunch of potatos out of a burlap bag and the machine would whirl them around inside against a very abrasive coating that would strip the peel off.
Sound good so far? Well, I found out the bags of potatos were stored in a damp area and the bags were infested with roaches. I pointed this out to the cooks and was instructed to just dump everything in the peeler anyway.
What I previously thought was "pepper" in the mashed potatos just may not have been. I never ate mashed potatos again the entire time I was at Ft. Polk.