PCV Valve problem

I redrilled the cover and bought a nice new grommett and pcv valve, problem fixed. Noticed an oil leak and decided to change oil pan gasket. Now the oil pan is off, right side header is removed, so I figure what the hell, remove left side and starter. Clean up oil pan buy new gaskets and replace bolts with stainless bolts and washers. Looking nice. Now I have rusty headers to deal with. filled a tub with water added arm and hammer washing soda, clipped a steel rod to one side, put the header in and attached the positive side of a battery charger to the steel rod and the negative to the header. Left it over night. Wow, rust removed! Now my question is,( and i probably know the answer) can anyone recommend (with photographic proof) a good header paint? or do I have to go with a ceramic coating$$$?