colonoscopy,not far from the truth!

Hey MeMike your not alone, mine is on the 10th.
Like everyone here said, the worst part was home work
I do have one word of advice, bring a swab to get some moister, or get ready to drink water and spit it back out, I waited 1 1/2 hours in a nice waiting room and had cotton mouth so bad it was unreal......Nothing to drink for 12 hours
I was so drunk when I woke up it was silly, the nurse had a cup in her had
and asked if I wanted a drink, I said I CAN Drink Know!! :blob:

That water taisted soo good, be prepared to need to rinse your mouth out on your waiting time.

I walk in O'Charrleys wobbling like a drunk and enjoyed a Tall glass of ice tea and the Large Salmon with spears... so yes it is a blast when you wake up.
I got home at 2 pm and crashed for 3 hours :D
Life is worth living, and this is a must do to any one of you here, This has been a emergency broadcast from This thread did help me :happy1: