It's finally happened

After 20+ years of climbing in and out of customers cars, today I refused to get in one.
Tow truck brought in a lady's 2001 Caravan, no start issue. Walked out to hook DRB up to see what was going on and I about puked.
This car has roach's in it and I don't mean the kind the cops find in the ash tray. This is the smelliest, nasty, dirty, gross car I have ever seen. Some threw eggs against the rear windows, from the inside.
I called the lady back and told her the van wasn't coming in the shop, and no one was working on the car until it was cleaned and sanitized. She seriously got nasty with me. Told me I had to work on her car, that AAA said that we would. The lady showed up at the shop, nasty looking, wearing pajama pants, flip flops & and bunch of kids she let run all over the place.
I handed her a couple of trash bags and pointed to the dumpster.
Man I hope that car is gone in the morning.

did u make out with her in the van just kidding good for u