Another 76 Brazilian Hardtop
Some minor progress...
Sorting out wich windows I'm going to use (stock ones were withe, but I got a set of tinted windows with the car when I got it. There is some scratching specially on the door glasses, but I can live with it. The white ones were the same, so...
Really scary messing with those giant front and rear windows!!
Some parts I've been "collecting" over the years...
Built the speaker mounting bracket according to what i saw on a post here on FABO (took me THREE days! I'm a disgrace!).
Hood "safety hook" (how do you call it up there?) painted black so it can't be seen through the grille.
And reassembled the steering coupler.
Had to do a little "improvisation" on the pins.
One of them was 1/8" narrower then the stock one, so had to make a bushing.
(had to take to a shop,