What should I run?

A mainly street car that runs in this range, and using numbers off such a mismatched gear makes predicting this nothing more then a crap shoot. But here goes :icon_smi:.

I have to assume you were going thru the traps in 2nd gear. If you were in high it had to be virtually dead across the stripe. I think you'll pick up 3-4 mph now. The 60' is a little trickier. That 1.90 was so strong that i'm not sure there will be a drastic improvement. If the hook is still decent i'm gonna say in the 1.85 area.

I don't quite see a 12sec slip yet, although the potential is there. I'm thinking first pass around 13.80 @ 97ish, and with launch technique and shift points optimized a good pass will be 13.40/13.50 @ 98/99.

I could be dead wrong, but that's what makes this fun........Kinda like our own version of Pass Time.....lol.

Thanks for letting us opine, good luck and have fun :thumbup:.