
It's my easement. The black is the property line and easement... Te green is the fence line as it sits right now.their gate was on the easement which is my property. The easement is designated for utility and ingress and egress only. Which also means that there cannot be any obstructions on the easement. And now it is completely clear and within the law.

They have an easement for utilities as well...but their easement is full carports and junk cars .. Soooooooo yeah.

And yeah, I have a snowballs chance in hell in getting the easement abolished. But I dont mind having it, I just want these people to stop being douches lol.

Is there power lines over the carports. That is a major violation here. The carports enclosed on any of the sides and over a gas line. That is also a major violation. If they are maybe a nice chat with them about the violations might make them much better neighbors.